Wackenhut and its guards
Yes, we know all this took place in 1979, and we know things have changed, including ownership and the name of Wackenhut. It’s now GEO. This corporation has a long history, though, of bad behavior. Here’s some:
GEO/Wackenhut charged in prison murder in Texas
Whopping Damage Award Against Private Prison Company for Inmate’s Death Affirmed by an Angry Court
Wackenhut accused of billing government for services not provided
Meet the Geo Group: Texas’ largest private prison contractor
Well, it goes on and on and all I searched for were the two terms “Wackenhut” and “murder”. Your mileage may vary.
At the November 2, 2007 press conference, Detective Lt. John Slenk of the Fifth District headquarters of the Michigan State Police tried to put the actions of the guards into context…sort of. It starts like a defense but it doesn’t end that way (segments run 1:15):
Here’s another view from the witness stand. On Oct. 23, 2007, Glenn Johnson–formerly a captain with Wackenhut and one of two number-two men on the strike detail at Holland’s Chemetron plant offered this assessment. Oh, by the way, HIS boss was Carl Paiva the dispatched head of the detail and the convicted murderer and rapist who led the plan to abduct, rape, and murder Janet Chandler. And Paiva hosted the party at the Chemetron guest house. And Glenn Johnson helped clean up the scene. It was through him that investigators where first pointed at Robert Lynch as the murderer and someone they should speak with. At least he did that much. Johnson died last year. He was 76 when he testified (and has since died). Janet was only 22. This segment runs 1:16.