February 8, 2023 — Beverly McCallum’s trial schedule
Here is the trial schedule (for now) for Beverly McCallum of how things are scheduled to roll out in Eaton County (thank you Alysia Sofios):
Status conference for pretrial motions – April 27 at 11 a.m.
Final pretrial – August 29 at 3 p.m.
Jury selection – September 8
Trial – September 11, 12, 13, 15th (afternoon), 18th (until 1:30 p.m.) 19th, and 20th.
Initially, she was to be tried for second degree murder, but the crime warranted a first-degree charge.
Finally, I have been missing in action, seriously missing. Yet another spinal fusion (my third). Enough pain to go around. I hope you will forgive me.
Did Bev go to court the 29th?