November 23, 2019 — The McMillan cross examination

McMillan Cross from David Schock on Vimeo.

Here is the cross examination of Christopher McMillan by defense attorney G. Michael Hocking representing accused murderer Dineane Ducharme. As you can note, the cross took longer than the direct by Eaton County Prosecutor Doug Lloyd. Every defendant is entitled to a VIGOROUS defense. I imagine you might have some thoughts after watching this.

Dineane is risking being convicted of first degree murder if she chooses to go to trial. That’s a life-without-parole offense. She has been offered a second degree murder charge if she takes a plea and agrees to testify against the third defendant, Beverly McCallum. McCallum is her mother and is still on the run. We understand–but do not know with any certainty–that McCallum is no longer in Pakistan. She may be watching this at some point and the message to her is this: Come home and face the charge. There are so many reasons, not the least of which is the wellbeing of her traveling companion.

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